Source code for fortuna.prob_model.calib_config.checkpointer

from typing import Optional

from fortuna.typing import Path

[docs]class CalibCheckpointer: def __init__( self, save_checkpoint_dir: Optional[Path] = None, restore_checkpoint_path: Optional[Path] = None, save_every_n_steps: Optional[int] = None, keep_top_n_checkpoints: Optional[int] = 2, dump_state: bool = False, ): """ An object to configure saving and restoring of checkpoints during the calibration process. Parameters ---------- save_checkpoint_dir: Optional[Path] = None Save directory location. restore_checkpoint_path: Optional[Path] Path to checkpoint file or directory to restore. save_every_n_steps: int Number of training steps between checkpoints. To disable, set `every_n_train_steps` to None or 0 (no checkpoint will be saved during training). keep_top_n_checkpoints: int Number of past checkpoint files to keep. dump_state: bool Dump the fitted calibration state as a checkpoint in `save_checkpoint_dir`. Any future call to the state will internally involve restoring it from memory. """ self.save_checkpoint_dir = save_checkpoint_dir self.save_every_n_steps = save_every_n_steps self.restore_checkpoint_path = restore_checkpoint_path self.keep_top_n_checkpoints = keep_top_n_checkpoints self.dump_state = dump_state