Source code for fortuna.prob_model.classification

import importlib
import logging
from typing import (

import flax.linen as nn

from import DataLoader
from fortuna.likelihood.classification import ClassificationLikelihood
from fortuna.model.model_manager.classification import (
from fortuna.model.model_manager.name_to_model_manager import (
from fortuna.model_editor.base import ModelEditor
from fortuna.output_calibrator.classification import ClassificationTemperatureScaler
from fortuna.output_calibrator.output_calib_manager.base import OutputCalibManager
from fortuna.prob_model.base import ProbModel
from fortuna.prob_model.calib_config.base import CalibConfig
from fortuna.prob_model.fit_config.base import FitConfig
from fortuna.prob_model.joint.base import Joint
from fortuna.prob_model.posterior.base import PosteriorApproximator
from fortuna.prob_model.posterior.posterior_approximations import (
from fortuna.prob_model.posterior.swag.swag_approximator import (
from fortuna.prob_model.predictive.classification import ClassificationPredictive
from fortuna.prob_model.prior import IsotropicGaussianPrior
from fortuna.prob_model.prior.base import Prior
from fortuna.prob_output_layer.classification import (
from fortuna.typing import Status
from import (

[docs]class ProbClassifier(ProbModel): def __init__( self, model: nn.Module, prior: Prior = IsotropicGaussianPrior(), posterior_approximator: PosteriorApproximator = SWAGPosteriorApproximator(), output_calibrator: Optional[nn.Module] = ClassificationTemperatureScaler(), model_editor: Optional[ModelEditor] = None, seed: int = 0, ): r""" A probabilistic classifier class. Parameters ---------- model : nn.Module A model describing the deterministic relation between inputs and outputs. The outputs must correspond to the logits of a softmax probability vector. The output dimension must be the same as the number of classes. Let :math:`x` be input variables and :math:`w` the random model parameters. Then the model is described by a function :math:`f(w, x)`, where each component of :math:`f` corresponds to one of the classes. prior : Prior A prior distribution object. The default is an isotropic standard Gaussian. Let :math:`w` be the random model parameters. Then the prior is defined by a distribution :math:`p(w)`. posterior_approximator : PosteriorApproximator A posterior approximation method. The default method is SWAG. output_calibrator : Optional[nn.Module] An output calibrator object. The default is temperature scaling for classification, which rescales the logits with a scalar temperature parameter. Given outputs :math:`o` of the model manager, the output calibrator is described by a function :math:`g(\phi, o)`, where `phi` are deterministic calibration parameters. model_editor : ModelEditor A model_editor objects. It takes the forward pass and transforms the outputs. seed: int A random seed. Attributes ---------- model : nn.Module See `model` in `Parameters`. model_manager : ClassificationModelManager This object orchestrates the model's forward pass. output_calibrator : nn.Module See `output_calibrator` in `Parameters`. prob_output_layer : ClassificationProbOutputLayer This object characterizes the distribution of target variable given the calibrated outputs. It is defined by :math:`p(y|o)=\text{Categorical}(y|p=softmax(o))`, where :math:`o` denotes the calibrated outputs and :math:`y` denotes a target variable. likelihood : ClassificationLikelihood The likelihood function. This is defined by :math:`p(y|w, \phi, x) = \text{Categorical}(y|p=\text{softmax}(g(\phi, f(w, x)))`. prior : Prior See `prior` in `Parameters`. joint : Joint This object describes the joint distribution of the target variables and the random parameters given the input variables and the calibration parameters, that is :math:`p(y, w|x, \phi)`. posterior_approximator : PosteriorApproximator See `posterior_approximator` in `Parameters`. posterior : Posterior This is the posterior approximation of the random parameters given the training data and the calibration parameters, that is :math:`p(w|\mathcal{D}, \phi)`, where :math:`\mathcal{D}` denotes the training data set and :math:`\phi` the calibration parameters. predictive : ClassificationPredictive This denotes the predictive distribution, that is :math:`p(y|\phi, x, \mathcal{D})`. Its statistics are approximated via a Monte Carlo approach by sampling from the posterior approximation. """ self.model = model self.prior = prior self.output_calibrator = output_calibrator self.output_calib_manager = OutputCalibManager( output_calibrator=output_calibrator ) self.prob_output_layer = self._get_prob_output_layer(model) model_manager_cls = getattr( ClassificationModelManagers, posterior_approximator.__str__() ).value self.model_manager = self._get_model_manager( model, model_editor, model_manager_cls, posterior_approximator ) self.likelihood = ClassificationLikelihood( self.model_manager, self.prob_output_layer, self.output_calib_manager ) self.joint = Joint(self.prior, self.likelihood) self.posterior = getattr( PosteriorApproximations, posterior_approximator.__str__() ).value(joint=self.joint, posterior_approximator=posterior_approximator) self.predictive = ClassificationPredictive(self.posterior) super().__init__(seed=seed) def _get_prob_output_layer(self, model: nn.Module) -> ClassificationProbOutputLayer: try: # import modules if available transformers_flax_auto_module = importlib.import_module( "" ) FLAX_MODEL_FOR_MASKED_LM_MAPPING_NAMES = list( getattr( transformers_flax_auto_module, "FLAX_MODEL_FOR_MASKED_LM_MAPPING_NAMES", ).values() ) if str(model.__class__.__name__) in FLAX_MODEL_FOR_MASKED_LM_MAPPING_NAMES: prob_output_layer = ClassificationMaskedProbOutputLayer() else: prob_output_layer = ClassificationProbOutputLayer() except ModuleNotFoundError: prob_output_layer = ClassificationProbOutputLayer() return prob_output_layer def _get_model_manager( self, model: nn.Module, model_editor: ModelEditor, model_manager_cls: Type, posterior_approximator: PosteriorApproximator, ) -> ClassificationModelManager: try: # import modules if available transformers_module = importlib.import_module("transformers") fortuna_transformers_classification_module = importlib.import_module( "fortuna.model.model_manager.transformers.classification" ) # import relevant classes FlaxPreTrainedModel = getattr(transformers_module, "FlaxPreTrainedModel") SNGPHuggingFaceClassificationModelManager = getattr( fortuna_transformers_classification_module, "SNGPHuggingFaceClassificationModelManager", ) HuggingFaceClassificationModelManager = getattr( fortuna_transformers_classification_module, "HuggingFaceClassificationModelManager", ) # load model manager if ( isinstance(model, FlaxPreTrainedModel) and model_manager_cls == SNGPClassificationModelManager ): model_manager = SNGPHuggingFaceClassificationModelManager( model=model, model_editor=model_editor, **posterior_approximator.posterior_method_kwargs, ) elif isinstance(model, FlaxPreTrainedModel): model_manager = HuggingFaceClassificationModelManager( model, model_editor=model_editor ) else: model_manager = model_manager_cls( model=model, model_editor=model_editor, **posterior_approximator.posterior_method_kwargs, ) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: logging.warning( "No module named 'transformer' is installed. " "If you are not working with models from the `transformers` library ignore this warning, otherwise " "install the optional 'transformers' dependency of Fortuna using poetry. You can do so by entering: " "`poetry install --extras 'transformers'`." ) model_manager = model_manager_cls( model=model, model_editor=model_editor, **posterior_approximator.posterior_method_kwargs, ) return model_manager def _check_output_dim(self, data_loader: DataLoader): if data_loader.size == 0: raise ValueError( """`data_loader` is either empty or incorrectly constructed.""" ) output_dim = data_loader.num_unique_labels for x, y in data_loader: input_shape = get_input_shape(x) break s = self.joint.init(input_shape) inputs = get_inputs_from_shape(input_shape) outputs = self.model_manager.apply( params=s.params, inputs=inputs, mutable=s.mutable ) model_output_dim = ( outputs[0].shape[-1] if isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)) else outputs.shape[-1] ) if model_output_dim != output_dim: raise ValueError( f"""The outputs dimension of `model` must correspond to the number of different classes in the target variables of `_data_loader`. However, {model_output_dim} and {output_dim} were found, respectively.""" )
[docs] def train( self, train_data_loader: DataLoader, val_data_loader: Optional[DataLoader] = None, calib_data_loader: Optional[DataLoader] = None, fit_config: FitConfig = FitConfig(), calib_config: CalibConfig = CalibConfig(), **fit_kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, Status]: self._check_output_dim(train_data_loader) return super().train( train_data_loader, val_data_loader, calib_data_loader, fit_config, calib_config, **fit_kwargs, )
[docs] def calibrate( self, calib_data_loader: DataLoader, val_data_loader: Optional[DataLoader] = None, calib_config: CalibConfig = CalibConfig(), ) -> Status: """ Calibrate the probabilistic classifier. Parameters ---------- calib_data_loader : DataLoader A calibration data loader. val_data_loader : DataLoader A validation data loader. calib_config : CalibConfig An object to configure the calibration. Returns ------- Status A calibration status object. It provides information about the calibration. """ self._check_output_dim(calib_data_loader) if val_data_loader is not None: self._check_output_dim(val_data_loader) return super()._calibrate( uncertainty_fn=( calib_config.monitor.uncertainty_fn if calib_config.monitor.uncertainty_fn is not None else self.prob_output_layer.mean ), calib_data_loader=calib_data_loader, val_data_loader=val_data_loader, calib_config=calib_config, )