Source code for fortuna.prob_model.fit_config.monitor

from typing import (

import jax.numpy as jnp

from fortuna.typing import Array

[docs]class FitMonitor: def __init__( self, metrics: Optional[ Tuple[Callable[[jnp.ndarray, Array], Union[float, Array]], ...] ] = None, early_stopping_patience: int = 0, early_stopping_monitor: str = "val_loss", early_stopping_min_delta: float = 0.0, eval_every_n_epochs: int = 1, disable_training_metrics_computation: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, ): """ An object to configure the monitoring of the posterior fitting. Parameters ---------- metrics: Optional[Callable[[jnp.ndarray, Array], Union[float, Array]]] Metrics to monitor during training. early_stopping_patience: int Number of consecutive epochs without an improvement in the performance on the validation set before stopping the training. early_stopping_monitor: str Validation metric to be monitored for early stopping. early_stopping_min_delta: float Minimum change between updates to be considered an improvement, i.e., if the absolute change is less than `early_stopping_min_delta` then this is not considered an improvement leading to a potential early stop. eval_every_n_epochs: int Number of training epochs between validation. To disable, set `eval_every_n_epochs` to None or 0 (i.e., no validation metrics will be computed during training). disable_training_metrics_computation: bool if True, during training the only metric computed is the objective function. Otherwise, all the metrics provided by the user at runtime will be computed for the training step. verbose: bool Whether to log the training progress. """ if metrics is not None: if type(metrics) != tuple: raise ValueError("`metrics` must be a tuple of callable metrics.") for metric in metrics: if not callable(metric): raise ValueError( f"All metrics in `metrics` must be callable objects, but {metric} is not." ) self.metrics = metrics self.early_stopping_patience = early_stopping_patience self.early_stopping_monitor = early_stopping_monitor self.early_stopping_min_delta = early_stopping_min_delta self.eval_every_n_epochs = eval_every_n_epochs self.disable_training_metrics_computation = disable_training_metrics_computation self.verbose = verbose