Source code for fortuna.prob_model.predictive.classification

from typing import Optional

from jax import (
from jax._src.prng import PRNGKeyArray
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy as jsp
import numpy as np

from import (
from fortuna.prob_model.posterior.base import Posterior
from fortuna.prob_model.predictive.base import Predictive

[docs]class ClassificationPredictive(Predictive): def __init__(self, posterior: Posterior): """ Classification predictive distribution class. Parameters ---------- posterior : Posterior A posterior distribution object. """ super().__init__(posterior)
[docs] def mean( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate the predictive mean of the one-hot encoded target variable, that is .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{\tilde{Y}|x, \mathcal{D}}[\tilde{Y}], where: - :math:`x` is an observed input variable; - :math:`\tilde{Y}` is a one-hot encoded random target variable; - :math:`\mathcal{D}` is the observed training data set; - :math:`W` denotes the random model parameters. Parameters ---------- inputs_loader : InputsLoader A loader of input data points. n_posterior_samples : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution for each input. rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. Returns ------- jnp.ndarray An estimate of the predictive mean for each input. """ return super().mean(inputs_loader, n_posterior_samples, rng, distribute)
[docs] def mode( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, means: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, ) -> jnp.ndarray: if means is None: means = self.mean( inputs_loader=inputs_loader, n_posterior_samples=n_posterior_samples, rng=rng, distribute=distribute, ) return jnp.argmax(means, -1)
[docs] def aleatoric_variance( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate the predictive aleatoric variance of the one-hot encoded target variable, that is .. math:: \text{Var}_{W|\mathcal{D}}[\mathbb{E}_{\tilde{Y}|W, x}[\tilde{Y}]], where: - :math:`x` is an observed input variable; - :math:`\tilde{Y}` is a one-hot encoded random target variable; - :math:`\mathcal{D}` is the observed training data set; - :math:`W` denotes the random model parameters. Parameters ---------- inputs_loader : InputsLoader A loader of input data points. n_posterior_samples : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution for each input. rng : Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. Returns ------- jnp.ndarray An estimate of the predictive aleatoric variance for each input. """ return super().aleatoric_variance( inputs_loader, n_posterior_samples, rng, distribute )
[docs] def epistemic_variance( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate the predictive epistemic variance of the one-hot encoded target variable, that is .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{W|D}[\text{Var}_{\tilde{Y}|W, x}[\tilde{Y}]], where: - :math:`x` is an observed input variable; - :math:`\tilde{Y}` is a one-hot encoded random target variable; - :math:`\mathcal{D}` is the observed training data set; - :math:`W` denotes the random model parameters. Parameters ---------- inputs_loader : InputsLoader A loader of input data points. n_posterior_samples : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution for each input. rng : Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. Returns ------- jnp.ndarray An estimate of the predictive epistemic variance for each input. """ return super().epistemic_variance( inputs_loader, n_posterior_samples, rng, distribute )
[docs] def variance( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, aleatoric_variances: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, epistemic_variances: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate the predictive variance of the one-hot encoded target variable, that is .. math:: \text{Var}_{\tilde{Y}|x, D}[\tilde{Y}], where: - :math:`x` is an observed input variable; - :math:`\tilde{Y}` is a one-hot encoded random target variable; - :math:`\mathcal{D}` is the observed training data set. Parameters ---------- inputs_loader : InputsLoader A loader of input data points. n_posterior_samples : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution for each input. aleatoric_variances: Optional[jnp.ndarray] An estimate of the aleatoric predictive variance. epistemic_variances: Optional[jnp.ndarray] An estimate of the epistemic predictive variance. rng : Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. Returns ------- jnp.ndarray An estimate of the predictive variance for each input. """ return super().variance( inputs_loader, n_posterior_samples, aleatoric_variances, epistemic_variances, rng, distribute, )
[docs] def std( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, variances: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate the predictive standard deviation of the one-hot encoded target variable, that is .. math:: \sqrt{\text{Var}_{\tilde{Y}|x, D}[\tilde{Y}]}, where: - :math:`x` is an observed input variable; - :math:`\tilde{Y}` is a one-hot encoded random target variable; - :math:`\mathcal{D}` is the observed training data set. Parameters ---------- inputs_loader : InputsLoader A loader of input data points. n_posterior_samples : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution for each input. variances: Optional[jnp.ndarray] An estimate of the predictive variance. rng : Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. Returns ------- jnp.ndarray An estimate of the predictive standard deviation for each input. """ return super().std( inputs_loader, n_posterior_samples, variances, rng, distribute )
[docs] def aleatoric_entropy( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate the predictive aleatoric entropy, that is .. math:: -\mathbb{E}_{W|\mathcal{D}}[\mathbb{E}_{Y|W, x}[\log p(Y|W, x)]], where: - :math:`x` is an observed input variable; - :math:`Y` is a random target variable; - :math:`\mathcal{D}` is the observed training data set; - :math:`W` denotes the random model parameters. Parameters ---------- inputs_loader : InputsLoader A loader of input data points. n_posterior_samples : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution for each input. rng : Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. Returns ------- jnp.ndarray An estimate of the predictive aleatoric entropy for each input. """ ensemble_outputs = self.sample_calibrated_outputs( inputs_loader=inputs_loader, n_output_samples=n_posterior_samples, rng=rng, distribute=distribute, ) n_classes = ensemble_outputs.shape[-1] @jit def _entropy_term(i: int): targets = i * jnp.ones(ensemble_outputs.shape[1]) def _log_lik_fun(outputs): return self.likelihood.prob_output_layer.log_prob(outputs, targets) log_liks = vmap(_log_lik_fun)(ensemble_outputs) return jnp.mean(jnp.exp(log_liks) * log_liks, 0) return -jnp.sum(vmap(_entropy_term)(jnp.arange(n_classes)), 0)
[docs] def epistemic_entropy( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate the predictive epistemic entropy, that is .. math:: -\mathbb{E}_{Y|x, \mathcal{D}}[\log p(Y|x, \mathcal{D})] + \mathbb{E}_{W|\mathcal{D}}[\mathbb{E}_{Y|W, x}[\log p(Y|W, x)]], where: - :math:`x` is an observed input variable; - :math:`Y` is a random target variable; - :math:`\mathcal{D}` is the observed training data set; - :math:`W` denotes the random model parameters. Note that the epistemic entropy above is defined as the difference between the predictive entropy and the aleatoric predictive entropy. Parameters ---------- inputs_loader : InputsLoader A loader of input data points. n_posterior_samples : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution for each input. rng : Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. Returns ------- jnp.ndarray An estimate of the predictive epistemic entropy for each input. """ ensemble_outputs = self.sample_calibrated_outputs( inputs_loader=inputs_loader, n_output_samples=n_posterior_samples, rng=rng, distribute=distribute, ) n_classes = ensemble_outputs.shape[-1] @jit def _entropy_term(i: int): targets = i * jnp.ones(ensemble_outputs.shape[1]) def _log_lik_fun(outputs): return self.likelihood.prob_output_layer.log_prob(outputs, targets) log_liks = vmap(_log_lik_fun)(ensemble_outputs) log_preds = jsp.special.logsumexp(log_liks, 0) - jnp.log( n_posterior_samples ) return jnp.exp(log_preds) * log_preds - jnp.mean( jnp.exp(log_liks) * log_liks, 0 ) return -jnp.sum(vmap(_entropy_term)(jnp.arange(n_classes)), 0)
[docs] def entropy( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate the predictive entropy, that is .. math:: -\mathbb{E}_{Y|x, \mathcal{D}}[\log p(Y|x, \mathcal{D})], where: - :math:`x` is an observed input variable; - :math:`Y` is a random target variable; - :math:`\mathcal{D}` is the observed training data set; - :math:`W` denotes the random model parameters. Parameters ---------- inputs_loader : InputsLoader A loader of input data points. n_posterior_samples : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution for each input. rng : Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. Returns ------- jnp.ndarray An estimate of the predictive entropy for each input. """ ensemble_outputs = self.sample_calibrated_outputs( inputs_loader=inputs_loader, n_output_samples=n_posterior_samples, rng=rng, distribute=distribute, ) n_classes = ensemble_outputs.shape[-1] @jit def _entropy_term(i: int): targets = i * jnp.ones(ensemble_outputs.shape[1]) def _log_lik_fun(outputs): return self.likelihood.prob_output_layer.log_prob(outputs, targets) log_liks = vmap(_log_lik_fun)(ensemble_outputs) log_preds = jsp.special.logsumexp(log_liks, 0) - jnp.log( n_posterior_samples ) return jnp.exp(log_preds) * log_preds return -jnp.sum(vmap(_entropy_term)(jnp.arange(n_classes)), 0)
[docs] def credible_set( self, inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, error: float = 0.05, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate credible sets for the target variable. This is done by sorting the class probabilities in descending order and including classes until the sum > 1-error. Parameters ---------- inputs_loader : InputsLoader A loader of input data points. n_posterior_samples: int Number of posterior samples to draw for each input. error: float The set error. This must be a number between 0 and 1, extremes included. For example, `error=0.05` corresponds to a 95% level of credibility. rng : Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. Returns ------- jnp.ndarray A credibility set for each of the inputs. """ p_classes = self.mean( inputs_loader=inputs_loader, n_posterior_samples=n_posterior_samples, rng=rng, distribute=distribute, ) n_classes = jnp.shape(p_classes)[1] labels = jnp.argsort(p_classes, axis=-1)[:, ::-1] p_classes_sorted = jnp.sort(p_classes, axis=-1)[:, ::-1] region_classes = jnp.cumsum(p_classes_sorted, axis=1) > (1 - error) # Convert CB region into sets index_true = jnp.argmax(region_classes, axis=1) # first index where True credible_set = np.zeros(len(index_true), dtype=object) for s in np.arange(n_classes): idx = np.where(index_true == s)[0] credible_set[idx] = labels[idx, : s + 1].tolist() return credible_set
[docs] def conformal_set( self, train_data_loader: DataLoader, test_inputs_loader: InputsLoader, n_posterior_samples: int = 30, error: float = 0.05, rng: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None, distribute: bool = True, return_ess: bool = False, ) -> jnp.ndarray: r""" Estimate conformal sets for the target variable. Parameters ---------- train_data_loader : DataLoader A training data loader. test_inputs_loader : InputsLoader A test inputs loader. n_posterior_samples : int Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution for each input. error: float The set error. This must be a number between 0 and 1, extremes included. For example, `error=0.05` corresponds to a 95% level of confidence. rng : Optional[PRNGKeyArray] A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class. distribute: bool Whether to distribute computation over multiple devices, if available. return_ess: bool Whether to compute effective sample size of importance weights or not. Returns ------- List[List[int]] A list of conformal sets for each test input. """ # Extract training data n_train = train_data_loader.size n_classes = train_data_loader.num_unique_labels # Extract test inputs and evaluate on each class (e.g. Y = 0, Y = 1) n_test = test_inputs_loader.size test_data_grid_loader = DataLoader.from_inputs_loaders( inputs_loaders=[test_inputs_loader] * n_classes, targets=jnp.arange(n_classes).tolist(), how="concatenate", ) # Combine training data and test data grid into single loader, so random posterior samples are the same rng train_test_data_loader = ConcatenatedLoader( loaders=[train_data_loader, test_data_grid_loader] ) # returns n_posterior_samples x (n_classes*n_test +n) ensemble_train_test_log_probs = self.ensemble_log_prob( data_loader=train_test_data_loader, n_posterior_samples=n_posterior_samples, rng=rng, distribute=distribute, ) # Split training log_probs ensemble_train_log_probs = ensemble_train_test_log_probs[ :, 0:n_train ] # training log likelihood # test log prob for each test input, posterior sample, and class (shape = n_test x n_posterior_samples x n_classes) ensemble_testgrid_log_probs = jnp.dstack( jnp.vsplit(ensemble_train_test_log_probs[:, n_train:].T, n_classes) ) # Split test log_probs for each class (in third axis) @jit # compute rank of nonconformity score (unnormalized by n+1) def _compute_cb_region_importancesampling( ensemble_testgrid_log_probs, ): # compute importance sampling weights and normalizing constant importance_weights = jnp.exp(ensemble_testgrid_log_probs.T) normalizing_constant = jnp.sum(importance_weights, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) # compute predictives for y_i,x_i and y_new,x_n+1 prob_train = importance_weights / normalizing_constant, jnp.exp(ensemble_train_log_probs), ) prob_test = ( jnp.sum(importance_weights**2, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) / normalizing_constant ) # compute nonconformity score and sort prob_train_test = jnp.concatenate((prob_train, prob_test), axis=1) rank_test = jnp.sum( prob_train_test <= prob_train_test[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1), axis=1 ) # Compute region of grid which is in confidence set region_true = rank_test > error * (n_train + 1) return region_true # Compute CB region for each test input conformal_region = np.array(, ensemble_testgrid_log_probs) ) # Convert CB region into sets sizes = (conformal_region.sum(axis=1)).astype("int32") region_argsort = np.argsort(conformal_region, axis=1)[:, ::-1] conformal_set = np.zeros(len(sizes), dtype=object) for s in np.unique(sizes): idx = np.where(sizes == s)[0] conformal_set[idx] = region_argsort[idx, :s][:, ::-1].tolist() if return_ess: ## DIAGNOSE IMPORTANCE WEIGHTS ## @jit # compute Effective sample size def _diagnose_importancesampling_weights( ensemble_testgrid_log_probs, ): # compute importance sampling weights and normalizing log_importance_weights = ensemble_testgrid_log_probs.T.reshape( jnp.shape(ensemble_testgrid_log_probs)[1], -1, 1 ) log_normalizing_constant = jsp.special.logsumexp( log_importance_weights, axis=1 ) # compute ESS importance_weights = jnp.exp( log_importance_weights - log_normalizing_constant.reshape(-1, 1, 1) ) ESS = 1 / jnp.sum(importance_weights**2, axis=1) return ESS ### ESS = _diagnose_importancesampling_weights, ensemble_testgrid_log_probs ) return conformal_set, ESS else: return conformal_set