
The posterior distribution of the model parameters given the training data and the calibration parameters. We support several posterior approximations:

class fortuna.prob_model.posterior.base.Posterior(joint, posterior_approximator)[source]#

Posterior distribution class. This refers to \(p(w|\mathcal{D}, \phi)\), where \(w\) are the random model parameters, \(\mathcal{D}\) is a training data set and \(\phi\) are calibration parameters.

abstract fit(train_data_loader, val_data_loader=None, fit_config=FitConfig(), **kwargs)[source]#

Fit the posterior distribution. A posterior state will be internally stored.

  • train_data_loader (DataLoader) – Training data loader.

  • val_data_loader (Optional[DataLoader]) – Validation data loader.

  • fit_config (FitConfig) – A configuration object.


A status including metrics describing the fitting process.

Return type:



Load the state of the posterior distribution from a checkpoint path. The checkpoint must be compatible with the current probabilistic model.


checkpoint_path (Path) – Path to checkpoint file or directory to restore.

Return type:


abstract sample(rng=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Sample from the posterior distribution.


rng (Optional[PRNGKeyArray]) – A random number generator. If not passed, this will be taken from the attributes of this class.


A sample from the posterior distribution.

Return type:


save_state(checkpoint_path, keep_top_n_checkpoints=1)[source]#

Save the state of the posterior distribution to a checkpoint directory.

  • checkpoint_path (Path) – Path to checkpoint file or directory to restore.

  • keep_top_n_checkpoints (int) – Number of past checkpoint files to keep.

Return type:


class fortuna.prob_model.posterior.base.PosteriorApproximator[source]#

A posterior approximator abstract class.

property posterior_method_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]#
class fortuna.prob_model.posterior.state.PosteriorState(step, apply_fn, params, tx, opt_state, encoded_name=(80, 111, 115, 116, 101, 114, 105, 111, 114, 83, 116, 97, 116, 101), frozen_params=None, dynamic_scale=None, mutable=None, calib_params=None, calib_mutable=None, grad_accumulated=None)[source]#

A posterior distribution state. This includes all the parameters and mutable objects that characterize an approximation of the posterior distribution.

dynamic_scale: Optional[dynamic_scale.DynamicScale] = None#
grad_accumulated: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None#
classmethod init(params, mutable=None, optimizer=None, calib_params=None, calib_mutable=None, grad_accumulated=None, dynamic_scale=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Initialize a posterior distribution state.

  • params (Params) – The parameters characterizing an approximation of the posterior distribution.

  • optimizer (Optional[OptaxOptimizer]) – An Optax optimizer associated with the posterior state.

  • mutable (Optional[Mutable]) – The mutable objects characterizing an approximation of the posterior distribution.

  • calib_params (Optional[CalibParams]) – The parameters objects characterizing an approximation of the posterior distribution.

  • calib_mutable (Optional[CalibMutable]) – The calibration mutable objects characterizing an approximation of the posterior distribution.

  • grad_accumulated (Optional[jnp.ndarray]) – The gradients accumulated in consecutive training steps (used only when gradient_accumulation_steps > 1).

  • dynamic_scale (Optional[dynamic_scale.DynamicScale]) – Dynamic loss scaling for mixed precision gradients.


A posterior distribution state.

Return type:


classmethod init_from_dict(d, optimizer=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Initialize a posterior distribution state from a dictionary.

  • d (Dict) – A dictionary including attributes of the posterior state.

  • optimizer (Optional[OptaxOptimizer]) – An optax optimizer to assign to the posterior state.


A posterior state.

Return type:
