From Flax models#

You can use Fortuna to fit the posterior distribution via scalable Bayesian inference methods, calibrate model outputs, make uncertainty estimates, compute metrics, and obtain conformal prediction sets. The combination of all these methodologies gives you the highest chances to obtain reliable calibrated uncertainty estimates.

In order to do so, you need to build a deep-learning model in Flax (powered by JAX), or select a pre-built one from the models already implemented within Fortuna. It is also up to you to provide some data, either in array format or as a data loader. You can use DataLoader to easily convert these into something Fortuna can digest.

That’s it. These are the minimal requirements to let Fortuna train the model and get calibrated predictions.

Of course, if you are familiar with machine learning and uncertainty estimation, you are welcome to build a probabilistic model and configure training and calibration methods in the way that best serves your need. The better your choices, the better your results.


Let us show how to train a model, obtain predictions, compute metrics and conformal sets in classification.

Provide data loaders#

First, you are required to provide some training data train_data. This must be converted into a data loader compatible with Fortuna. In this example, we assume your data is a tuple of arrays, respectively containing input and target variables. Several other data formats are supported, e.g. PyTorch data loaders, TensorFlow data loader, etc. Please look into DataLoader to explore the supported conversion options.

References: from_array_data()#
from fortuna import DataLoader
train_data_loader = DataLoader.from_array_data(

Choose or build a model#

Second, you must provide a deep learning model from input variables to the logits of a softmax function. The output dimension, i.e. the number of logits, must corresponds to the number of different labels in the data. For this, you can either choose one of Fortuna’s pre-built models, or build your own in Flax. In this code example, we take a pre-built Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and denote the output dimension by output_dim.

References: MLP#
from fortuna.model import MLP
model = MLP(

Build a probabilistic model#

Fortuna now wraps the model into a probabilistic classifier, your interface object. You may configure this by choosing a prior distribution, a posterior approximation method, an output calibration method and a random seed; please consult the probabilistic classifier reference. However, if you are not particularly familiar with these concepts, just go with the default options, like we do in this example.

References: ProbClassifier#
from fortuna import ProbClassifier
prob_model = ProbClassifier(

Train the probabilistic model#

Let’s train the probabilistic model now. Training includes two parts: fitting the posterior distribution, and post-processing calibration. However, calibration is performed only if a calibration data loader is provided. As for the training data, for this example we assume you have calibration data calib_data formatted as a tuple of arrays, and let Fortuna transform it into a data loader. The training returns a status object, describing the progress of the training process.

You are encouraged to configure fitting and calibration as you please. You can specify the optimization process, saving and restoring checkpoints, monitoring the training and enable early stopping, and select your computation device; please consult the fit configuration and calibration configuration references. In this example, we will stick with the default configuration options.

calib_data_loader = DataLoader.from_array_data(
status = prob_model.train(

Estimate statistics#

Given some test data test_data, which we will convert to a data loader like done above, we are ready to estimate predictive statistics. These include predictive mode, mean, log-pdf, variance, entropy, etc; please consult the predictive reference. Apart from the log-pdf, computing these statistics only require test input data, never test target data. With Fortuna, you can easily construct a loader of test input data from a test data loader test_data_loader by typing test_data_loader.to_inputs_loader(), as you will see in the code below.


In classification, the predictive mode gives label predictions, i.e. the label predicted for a certain input, while the predictive mean gives probability predictions, i.e. the probability of each label.

test_data_loader = DataLoader.from_array_data(
test_inputs_loader = test_data_loader.to_inputs_loader()
test_logprob = prob_model.predictive.log_prob(
test_modes = prob_model.predictive.mode(
test_means = prob_model.predictive.mean(

Compute metrics#

Fortuna supports some classification metrics, e.g. accuracy, expected calibration error and Brier score. You are encouraged to bring in metrics from other frameworks and apply them on Fortuna’s predictions, as the latter are compatible with metrics operating on numpy.narray.

Metrics often require arrays of test target data. You can easily get these by typing test_data_loader.to_array_targets().

from fortuna.metric.classification import accuracy, expected_calibration_error
test_targets = test_data_loader.to_array_targets()
acc = accuracy(
ece = expected_calibration_error(

Compute conformal sets#

Finally, like in From uncertainty estimates, starting from predictive statistics you can compute conformal sets. Again, we need a data loader for this purpose. For simplicity, we will use the same calibration data loader as above, but a new one could be used.

References: conformal_set()#
from fortuna.conformal import AdaptivePredictionConformalClassifier
calib_inputs_loader = calib_data_loader.to_inputs_loader()
calib_targets = calib_data_loader.to_array_targets()
calib_means = prob_model.predictive.mean(
conformal_sets = AdaptivePredictionConformalClassifier().conformal_set(


Similarly as in the classification example, let us show how to train a model, obtain prediction, compute metrics and conformal intervals in regression.

Provide data loaders#

First, you are required to provide some training data train_data. This must be converted into a data loader compatible with Fortuna. In this example, we assume your data is a tuple of arrays, respectively containing input and target variables. Several other data formats are supported, e.g. PyTorch data loaders, TensorFlow data loader, etc. Please look into DataLoader to explore the supported conversion options.

References: from_array_data()#
from fortuna import DataLoader
train_data_loader = DataLoader.from_array_data(

Choose or build a model#

Second, you must provide a deep learning model mapping input variables to the space of the target variables. You can either choose one of Fortuna’s pre-built models, or build your own in Flax. In this code example, we take a pre-built Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and denote the output dimension by output_dim.

Additionally, you must build or choose a model for the log-variance of the likelihood function. Let’s build a linear one for this example.

References: MLP#
from fortuna.model import MLP
model = MLP(
likelihood_log_variance_model = MLP(

Build a probabilistic model#

Fortuna now wraps the model and the likelihood log-variance model into a probabilistic regressor, your interface object. You may configure this by choosing a prior distribution, a posterior approximation method, an output calibration method and a random seed; please consult the probabilistic regressor reference. However, if you are not particularly familiar with these concepts, just go with the default options, like we do in this example.

References: ProbRegressor#
from fortuna import ProbRegressor
prob_model = ProbRegressor(

Train the probabilistic model#

Let’s train the probabilistic model now. Training includes two parts: fitting the posterior distribution, and post-processing calibration. However, calibration is performed only if a calibration data loader is provided. As for the training data, we assume you have calibration data calib_data formatted as a tuple of arrays, and let Fortuna transform it into a data loader. The training returns a status object, describing the progress of the training process.

You are invited to configure fitting and calibration as you please. You can specify the optimization process, saving and restoring checkpoints, monitoring the training and enable early stopping, and select your computation device; please consult the fit configuration and calibration configuration references. In this example, we will stick with the default configuration options.

calib_data_loader = DataLoader.from_array_data(calib_data, batch_size=128, prefetch=True)
status = prob_model.train(

Estimate statistics#

Given some test data test_data, which we will convert to a data loader like done above, we are ready to estimate predictive statistics. These include predictive mode, mean, log-pdf, variance, entropy, quantile, credible interval, etc; please consult the predictive reference. Apart from the log-pdf, computing these statistics only require test input data, never test target data. With Fortuna, you can easily construct a loader of input data from a test data loader test_data_loader by typing test_data_loader.to_inputs_loader(), as you will see in the code below.


In contrast with classification, in regression both the predictive mean and the predictive mode provide predictions for the target variables, and do not represent measures of uncertainty.

test_data_loader = DataLoader.from_array_data(
test_inputs_loader = test_data_loader.to_inputs_loader()
test_logprob = prob_model.predictive.log_prob(
test_means = prob_model.predictive.mean(
test_cred_intervals = prob_model.predictive.credible_interval(

Compute metrics#

Fortuna supports some regression metrics, e.g. Root Mean-Squared Error (RMSE) and Prediction Interval Coverage Probability (PICP). You are encouraged to bring in metrics from other frameworks and apply them on Fortuna’s predictions, as the latter are compatible with metrics operating on numpy.ndarray.

Metrics often require arrays of test target data. You can easily get these by typing test_data_loader.to_array_targets().

from fortuna.metric.regression import root_mean_squared_error, prediction_interval_coverage_probability
test_targets = test_data_loader.to_array_targets()
rmse = root_mean_squared_error(
picp = prediction_interval_coverage_probability(
    lower_bounds=test_cred_intervals[:, 0],
    upper_bounds=test_cred_intervals[:, 1],

Compute conformal intervals#

Finally, like in Conformal intervals from confidence or credibility intervals, starting from predictive statistics you can compute conformal intervals. Again, we need a data loader for this purpose. For simplicity, we will use the same calibration data loader as above, but a new one could be used.

from fortuna.conformal import QuantileConformalRegressor
calib_inputs_loader = calib_data_loader.to_inputs_loader()
calib_targets = calib_data_loader.to_array_targets()
calib_cred_intervals = prob_model.predictive.credible_interval(
conformal_intervals = QuantileConformalRegressor().conformal_intervals(
    val_lower_bounds=calib_cred_intervals[:, 0],
    val_upper_bounds=calib_cred_intervals[:, 1],
    test_lower_bounds=test_cred_intervals[:, 0],
    test_upper_bounds=test_cred_intervals[:, 1],