From uncertainty estimates#

Fortuna provides some conformal prediction methods. These start from uncertainty estimates and some calibration data, and construct conformal predictions sets, i.e. rigorous sets of predictions that are probable above a certain threshold.


If you provide bad uncertainty estimates, the conformal prediction sets may be very large and uninformative. If possible, please consider letting Fortuna estimating uncertainty - see From Flax models.


In classification, conformal sets are collections of labels that are probable above a certain thresholds. In the following example, we show how you can use Fortuna to construct them.

Classification example: conformal intervals from probability predictions#

We assume you have trained a model and, for each input, you have a way of estimating the probability of each label. We call val_probs and test_probs these probabilities computed on some validation and test data sets, respectively. We further require the array of validation target variables val_targets corresponding to the validation probabilities. Then the following code provides a 95% conformal set for each test input. Please check AdaptivePredictionConformalClassifier for reference.

References: conformal_set()#
from fortuna.conformal import AdaptivePredictionConformalClassifier
conformal_sets = AdaptivePredictionConformalClassifier().conformal_set(

You should usually expect your test predictions to be included in the conformal sets, as they contain the most probable labels according to your validation data and validation probability estimates. You should also expect, overall, smaller sets for well-classified inputs and larger sets for misclassified ones, as the latter are likely to be more uncertain. Notice that if your estimated probabilities are very uninformative or highly wrong, the conformal sets might include almost all labels, signalling high uncertainty in the model.


For regression tasks with scalar target variables, Fortuna offers conformal methods that construct conformal intervals. You can think of these as calibrated versions of confidence or credibility intervals. In the following examples, we show how you can use Fortuna to construct them.

For both examples, you should usually expect your test predictions to be included in the conformal intervals, as they contain the range of most probable predictions according to your validation data and validation intervals. You should also expect, overall, smaller ranges for well-classified inputs and larger sets for misclassified ones, as the latter are likely to be more uncertain. Notice that if your intervals are uninformative or wrong, the conformal intervals might be large.

Conformal intervals from confidence or credibility intervals#

For this example, we assume you have trained a model, and a way of estimating a confidence or credible interval for each of your predictions. We call val_lower_bounds, val_upper_bounds, test_lower_bounds and test_upper_bounds the lower and upper bounds of these intervals computed on some validation and test data sets. We suppose these have an error level given by error; for example, 95% intervals have error=0.05. We further require the array of validation target variables val_targets corresponding to the validation intervals. Then the following code provides a conformal interval with level error of error for each test input. Please see QuantileConformalRegressor for reference.

from fortuna.conformal import QuantileConformalRegressor
conformal_intervals = QuantileConformalRegressor().conformal_interval(

Conformal intervals from confidence or scalar uncertainty estimates#

For this example, we assume you have trained a model, you have a way of making predictions and estimating a scalar measure of predictive uncertainty, e.g. the standard deviation. We call val_preds, val_uncertainties, test_preds and test_uncertainties the predictions and uncertainties computed on some validation and test data sets. We further require the array of validation target variables val_targets corresponding to the validation predictions. Then the following code provides a 95% conformal interval for each test input. Please see OneDimensionalUncertaintyConformalRegressor for reference.

from fortuna.conformal import OneDimensionalUncertaintyConformalRegressor
conformal_intervals = OneDimensionalUncertaintyConformalRegressor().conformal_interval(